
Mixture Controller for
Photo Meter



You are noticed that powder mixture is complete, by this controller.

The most suitable controller for QC of powder mixture in a plant.

If input voltage ( output of PHOTO-METER ) is over level than lower voltage and less level than upper voltage while a setting time then relay-contactor is set ON ( or OFF) and buzzer is set ON.
Explanation of function on PM-SC1

face @


[ the front ]

‡@FSET voltage

‡AFset LIMIT voltage


‡EFpower switch

back @


[ the back ]

‡CFinput ( output of PHOTO METER )

‡DFcontactor of relay


 ( INPUT voltage    = output of PHOTO METER )
 ( UPPER limit      = SET voltage + LIMIT voltage )
 ( LOWER limit      = SET voltage - LIMIT voltage )
 ( TIMER            = SET time timer)
 ( NO = normal open = contactor of relay )
 ( NC = normal close= contactor of relay )

@@@@@@[ NO = OFF , NC = ON ]

@@@@@@@@@@ power sw :ON
@@@@@@„ @@@  NO=OFF,NC=ON,TIMER=OFF
@@@@„‘„Ÿ„ „Ÿ„Ÿ¨„§
@@@@„ @„ @@‚m«
@@@@„ @„₯©„Ÿ„Ÿž if INPUT is less than UPPER ?
@@@@„ @„ @‚m@«‚x
@@@@„ @„€©„Ÿ„Ÿž if INPUT is over than LOWER ?
@@@@ͺ    @@@«‚x
@@@@„     @@@  TIMER=ON
@@@@„     @@‚m«
@@@@„€©„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿž if TIMER is over SET time
@@@@@@@@@@  NO=ON , NC=OFF ,buzzar=ON
@@@@@@@@@@ power sw : OFF

  Input Voltage range     DC 0 - 5 V
  Set   Voltage range     DC 0 - 5 V
  Limit Voltage range     DC 0 - 1 V
  Set   Time    range     1sec - 30 min
  contactor spec.         NO,NC (AC250V , 6Aj
  supply power voltage    AC 100V

MSE Corporation
1-1-1 Nishizutumi-Hondori-Higashi,Higashi-Osaka city,OSAKA,577,JAPAN
E_mail info@mse.co.jp URL http://www.mse.co.jp